Bosque County Deed Records
Many of the Bosque County Deed Records are available to view online. Some are free to view, some are restricted, and some require payment. Deed Records recorded between 25 Sep 1905 and 19 Jan 1984 are not available online at this time. For information on land grants and the Original Texas Land Survey (the initial tracts of land to which all property in Texas originally belonged), click here.
Family Search Deed Records - Volumes 2-37 (years 1884-1900) are publically free to view online. Volumes A-Z (years 1854-1886) are not available publically but may be viewed online in person at an affiliate FamilySearch library.
Kofile Deed Records - Direct/Indirect Indexes (years 1847-1882+), Volumes A-Z (years 1854-1886), Volumes 2-50 (years 1884-25 Sep 1905), and Volume 1 (patents) are viewable for free. If you wish to download pages, there is a a fee of $1/page plus $2 per order.
iDoc Deed Records - Deed records filed starting from 19 Jan 1984 to present. These records also include some non-deed records. Although the site indicates that it only has records since 19 Jan 1984. there are actually some records prior to 1984 included (before 1981, there are 142 records and between 01 Jan 1982 and 18 Jan 1984, there are 6579 records). The search function is free to use, but viewing an individual deed on this site requires payment with options including $5/day + $1/page, $50/week + $1/page, or $100/month + $1/page.
Note: When looking for a deed, please remember that the deeds are ordered by the date they were recorded, not by the date they were executed, so deeds may be contained in volumes with much later dates, sometimes even years later.