Search Bosque County Marriages (1860-2015)

This index contains Bosque County marriages from 1860 through 2015 (17,995 records).

Name entry is not case-sensitive. Wildcards (%) are allowable in the given name and/or the last name. Examples:

    An% will find all names beginning with the letters "An".
    W%n will find all names starting with the letter "W" and ending with the letter "n".
    %ton will find all names ending in "ton".
    %Mary% will find all instances of the string "Mary" (e.g., both first and middle names in the given name field).

The given names in the database include various combinations of first names, middle names, and/or initials, so searching on full first names may not be productive in some instances. A maximum of 700 records will be returned, so you should not be overly broad in your search request.

Search marriage records using this form:
Groom's Last Name:
Groom's Given Name(s):
Bride's Last Name:
Bride's Given Name(s):