About the Bosque County Historical Commission
The Texas Legislature authorized the establishment of County Historical Commissions (CHCs) to assist the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the county commissioners courts in each of Texas’ 254 counties in the preservation of our historic and cultural resources. The mission of each CHC is to preserve, protect, and promote these resources. The Bosque County Historical Commission (BCHC) serves as the official organization for carrying out the State preservation program at the local level. The BCHC seeks to preserve, mark, and encourage appreciation of the historical in Bosque County and promote preservation through education and advocacy. The BCHC submits annual reports to the Texas Historical Commission describing ongoing preservation activity. The Commission normally meets on the second Friday of odd-numbered months (January, March, May, July, September and November).
The Bosque County Commissioners Court selects the Bosque CHC appointees in January of odd-numbered years based largely on the recommendations of the current Bosque CHC. If you wish to be considered for appointment, you should submit an application by November 1 of even-numbered years to the Bosque CHC so that it may be considered at the November meeting of the CHC.
Chairperson: Elaine Bell
Vice-Chairperson: vacant
Secretary: Bruce Wiland
CC Precinct 1
Albert Hunter, Meridian
Charles Ellis, Morgan
Vivian Pollard, Meridian
CC Precinct 2
no one presently
CC Precinct 3
no one presently
CC Precinct 4
Elaine Bell, Norway Mills
Glenda Phillips, Norse
Outside Bosque County
Bruce Wiland, Austin
Ruth Crawford, Waco
Sharon Whitney, Waco
Honorary Members
Alleen Tibbs, Valley Mills TX
Raymond Whitney, Valley Mills TX
The BCHC currently has three standing committees: 1) the Cemetery Committee responsible for preservation of historic cemeteries in the county, 2) the Archives Committee responsible for operating the Bosque County Collection, and 3) the Marker Committee responsible for State historical marker recommendations.
Executive Committee:
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary
Chairpersons of each committee
Cemetery Committee (cemeteries@bosquechc.org):
Jamie Woleben, Chairperson
Website Committee (website@bosquechc.org):
Bruce Wiland, Chairperson
Marker Committee (markers@bosquechc.org):
Bruce Wiland, Chairperson
Pool Park Committee: