Detailed Grave Information

Note: In some cases, there may be conflicts with birth and death dates from other sources. If so, the date as engraved on the gravestone is shown in addition to the date from other sources. There may also be additional information given about any conflicts. The abbreviation CB means the 1985 Cemetery Books and CC means the 2017 Cemetery Committee. In most cases, the 1985 Cemetery Books are more reliable unless noted otherwise. If you have a photo of the grave, please submit it to us and we will include it on this page.



PERSON BURIED: Harrison M. ETHERIDGE         NAME AS ENGRAVED ON MARKER: unmarked grave; a gravestone does not exist

BIRTH DATE:   1903 (grave is unmarked; date is from other sources)        

DEATH DATE: 01 Aug 1913 (grave is unmarked; date is from other sources)        

NOTES: s/o James D. Etheridge; poisoned by his step-mother Ellen; birth year is based on 1910 census age; death date is based on Ellen's confession in which she said that Harrison died the last days of July or the first days of August

BCHC 1985 CEMETERY BOOK: Vol. I, pg. 139, line #18.01


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