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Existing Cemeteries in Bosque County

The table below displays all of the known cemeteries and gravesites that exist in Bosque County. If you think a cemetery is located in Bosque County but do not find the name in this table, check the other two tables at the bottom of this page for alternate/deprecated names and adjacent county cemeteries within a mile of Bosque County. Several cemeteries were relocated when the Brazos River was dammed up to form Lake Whitney.

Explanation of Headings:

This table is sorted alphabetically by "Name" but can be resorted by clicking on any of the column headings.
Click on the Name link for detailed cemetery information.

Name THC ID Hist.
Nearest City / Community USGS Quad Map Num. of Graves Earliest Burial Latest Burial
Abernathy BQ-C119 Meridian Iredell vicinity 4 1906 1917
Alternate Names: USGS mislabeled as Cedron
BQ-C118 Cedar Shores Pilot Knob yes 21 1858 1931
Ahlstead-Stark BQ-C120 Clifton Sugarloaf Mountain vicinity 3 1883 1883
Allen Bend (former) unassigned Allen Bend 5 1877 1885
Arnold BQ-C052 Cedar Shores Pilot Knob yes 6 1881 1913
Bales unassigned Iredell Iredell? no 2 1936 1937
Barry BQ-C008 HTC Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West yes 37 1852 2023
Barton BQ-C012 Valley Mills Mosheim yes 39 1876 1937
Blackwell BQ-C053 Cayote Valley Mills vicinity 6 1884 1927
Bob Hill BQ-C054 Brazos Point Glen Rose East vicinity 22 1876 1986
Alternate Names: Boggs
BQ-C016 Cranfills Gap German Valley yes 539 1878 2022
Brazos Point
Alternate Names: Andrew's Chapel
BQ-C007 Brazos Point Brazos Point yes 906 1862 2022
Brock Family unassigned Valley Mills no 1 2019 2019
Cedar Shores Memorial Park unassigned Cedar Shores Allen Bend yes 7 1968 2010
Cedron BQ-C034 THM Cedar Shores Allen Bend yes 156 1880 2022
Centerpoint BQ-C068 Valley Mills Valley Mills vicinity 9 1881 1910
Chase BQ-C045 Womack Clifton yes 91 1887 2011
Clifton BQ-C022 Clifton Clifton yes 2729 1874 2023
Clifton Memorial Park BQ-C024 Clifton Clifton yes 865 1911 2023
Cole Family BQ-C069 THM, HTC Morgan Walnut Springs East yes 10 1879 1912
Collins Family unassigned Meridian Meridian yes 2 1997 2008
Colwick Family (former) BQ-C111 Norse Hurst Spring yes 0
Cooper Family BQ-C050 Clifton Clifton vicinity 8 1879 1944
Cove Springs
Alternate Names: Spencer-Looney
BQ-C070 Cranfills Gap Cranfills Gap yes 16 1870 1921
Cowboy Pete grave BQ-C071 Cayote Valley Mills yes 1
Cranfill Family BQ-C017 Cranfills Gap Cranfills Gap yes 15 1862 1893
Cravy unassigned Meridian Iredell no 6 1871 1884
Culpepper BQ-C072 Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West vicinity 4 1901 1901
Cunningham BQ-C073 Brazos Point Glen Rose East vicinity 6 1876 1917
Cureton BQ-C109 Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West yes 6 1881 1906
Davis BQ-C074 Davis Spring Creek Gap yes 22 1884 1889
Dees grave BQ-C075 Laguna Park? no 1 1871 1871
Dell BQ-C076 Meridian Cranfills Gap vicinity 2 1877 1897
Dennis BQ-C077 Meridian Meridian vicinity 2 1873 1876
Dillard-Hines unassigned Cranfills Gap Cranfills Gap vicinity 3 1883 1883
Eakin-Evans BQ-C078 Cayote Valley Mills vicinity 2 1889 1905
Eubank grave BQ-C079 Pilot Knob no 1 1876 1876
Evans Family unassigned Cranfills Gap Sugarloaf Mountain yes 7 2009 2018
Everett-Bass BQ-C043 Meridian Meridian vicinity 8 1872 1892
Everett-McLennan BQ-C057 Clifton Clifton vicinity 4
Everett-Raley BQ-C080 Valley Mills Valley Mills no 2
Fairview BQ-C031 Cayote Laguna Park yes 179 1898 2023
Farrell Ranch Family unassigned Meridian Iredell no 3 1995 2011
Felzer BQ-C081 Smiths Bend China Springs vicinity 2 1880 1880
Alternate Names: Flag Branch
BQ-C010 Iredell Camp Branch yes 33 1881 2021
Flat Top Ranch Family unassigned Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West yes 4 1989 2019
Fossett BQ-C044 HTC Meridian Meridian yes 6 1877 1896
Foster BQ-C058 Womack Clifton yes 7 1877 1895
Fowler Family unassigned Meridian no 2 2006 2008
Fulton BQ-C009 THM, HTC Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West yes 313 1880 2022
Alternate Names: Pool
BQ-C056 THM Clifton Mosheim vicinity 45 1855 1932
Gee grave unassigned Valley Mills Mosheim no 2 1879 1879
Glass BQ-C108 Brazos Point Glen Rose East yes 10 1899 1976
Gordon BQ-C061 Iredell Camp Branch yes 57 1873 1945
Greene Family unassigned Norse Sugarloaf Mountain yes 3 2005 2015
Griffin grave unassigned Allen Bend no 1 1868 1868
Hanna BQ-C035 Meridian Meridian yes 139 1859 2012
Hanson BQ-C082 Brazos Point? no 0
Harrick-Dennis BQ-C083 Blum? no 0
Harvick BQ-C021 Iredell Iredell vicinity 6 1873 1876
Hester-Williamson BQ-C062 Iredell Iredell yes 16 1869 1901
Hill Creek BQ-C084 Brazos Point Glen Rose East yes 51 1877 2016
Hill grave (Calvin) unassigned Walnut Springs no 1 1901 1901
Hill grave (Capp) unassigned Walnut Springs West? no 1 1882 1939
Hill grave (Mal) unassigned Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West? no 1
Hill-Long BQ-C063 Mosheim vicinity 5 1874 1879
Holder grave BQ-C085 Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West vicinity 1 1883 1883
Hubler Family unassigned Clifton no 3 1993 2018
Johnson grave BQ-C086 Clifton no 1 1889 1889
Jordan grave unassigned Meridian Meridian yes 1 1868 1868
Kanz BQ-C014 Valley Mills Mosheim yes 10 1931 1988
Kimball BQ-C004 Morgan yes 738 1862 2022
Knowles BQ-C087 Valley Mills Mosheim vicinity 6 1883 1907
Kopperl BQ-C067 Kopperl Lakeside Village yes 1020 1868 2022
Lane's Chapel BQ-C114 THM Valley Mills Mosheim yes 272 1883 2022
Liberty Hill Baptist Church unassigned Valley Mills Valley Mills no 0 1852 1856
Lumpkin BQ-C088 Iredell no 6
Alternate Names: Webb
BQ-C089 Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West vicinity 14 1888 1938
Marland grave BQ-C090 Walnut Springs West no 1 1890 1890
Martin BQ-C091 Iredell Camp Branch vicinity 28 1870 1919
McCandless BQ-C092 Meridian Meridian yes 9 1885 1935
McCullough unassigned Smiths Bend Smiths Bend vicinity 20 1871 1882
McKissick BQ-C064 Cedar Shores Allen Bend vicinity 2 1864 1864
Meridian BQ-C025 Meridian Meridian yes 2754 1857 2023
Meridian Memorial unassigned Meridian Meridian yes 53 2006 2023
Alternate Names: New Iredell
BQ-C020 Iredell Iredell yes 1173 1886 2023
Morgan BQ-C002 Morgan Morgan yes 1450 1878 2022
Norway Mills BQ-C011 Norse Hurst Spring yes 21 1878 1919
Oak Grove BQ-C006 Walnut Springs Walnut Springs East yes 2149 1885 2023
Old Kimball (former) BQ-C107 Kopperl Blum? no 162
Old Valley Mills BQ-C028 Valley Mills Valley Mills yes 47 1863 2016
Oscar McCash grave unassigned Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West yes 1 1985 1985
Oswald BQ-C023 THM Clifton Clifton yes 351 1860 2021
Our Savior's Lutheran
Alternate Names: Norse
BQ-C117 Norse Sugarloaf Mountain yes 1402 1854 2022
Parks on Parks Ranch BQ-C093 Cranfills Gap Sugarloaf Mountain vicinity 3 1976 2003
Parks on Turner Ranch unassigned Norse Hurst Spring no 4 1864 1880
Patterson Family unassigned Meridian no 2 1979 2015
Pearce BQ-C094 Walnut Springs Meridian vicinity 2 1871 1878
Penwell Family unassigned Iredell no 1 2016 2016
Pinnell BQ-C095 Valley Mills Mosheim vicinity 12
Pollan BQ-C096 Meridian Meridian? no 2 1909 1910
Possell BQ-C097 no 0
Alternate Names: Odle
BQ-C013 THM Valley Mills Mosheim yes 95 1887 2020
Powell (former) Lakeside Village 14 1871 1890
Rayburn Family unassigned Meridian Meridian vicinity 2 2004 2007
Riverside BQ-C042 THM Iredell Iredell yes 1079 1864 2004
Rock Church on Hog Creek BQ-C098 Valley Mills Mosheim yes 38 1865 1899
Rock Springs BQ-C113 Valley Mills Valley Mills yes 227 1880 2018
Russell BQ-C005 Walnut Springs Walnut Springs East yes 173 1867 2019
Russell-French BQ-C115 Iredell Spring Creek Gap vicinity 9 1881 1920
Sadler Family BQ-C099 Valley Mills Valley Mills yes 4 1868 1871
Saint John's Bismarck
Alternate Names: Thiele; St. John's
BQ-C029 Cayote Valley Mills yes 48 1913 2023
Saint Olaf Lutheran BQ-C018 Cranfills Gap Cranfills Gap yes 1243 1884 2023
Alternate Names: Searsville; Maple
BQ-C001 THM, HTC Valley Mills Mosheim yes 54 1874 2023
Seljos grave unassigned Clifton Mosheim vicinity 2 2001 2018
Seventh-Day Adventist BQ-C047 Clifton Sugarloaf Mountain yes 24 1891 2010
Shuler No. 1 (former) Allen Bend 15
Shuler No. 2 (former) Allen Bend 0
Smith Bend-Coon Creek
Alternate Names: Coon Creek
BQ-C030 THM Smiths Bend Smiths Bend yes 851 1856 2022
Smith Family BQ-C065 Meridian Meridian yes 6 1873 1925
Smith-Pitts BQ-C100 Iredell Spring Creek Gap yes 6 1876 1887
Spring Creek BQ-C019 THM, HTC Iredell Iredell yes 306 1896 2021
Standifer BQ-C101 Valley Mills China Springs vicinity 2
Stiles BQ-C066 Kopperl Morgan vicinity 3 1872 1873
Alternate Names: Terrell-Shell
BQ-C015 Clifton Mosheim yes 33 1860 2019
Texas Star Ranch unassigned Cranfills Gap no 1
Trinity Lutheran BQ-C103 Clifton Clifton yes 1048 1893 2022
Tucker grave unassigned Cranfills Gap Cranfills Gap yes 1 2010 2010
unknown (E. of Spring Cr) BQ-C040 Iredell Iredell yes 0
unknown grave (Smiths Bend) unassigned Smiths Bend Smiths Bend vicinity 0
unknown graves (N of Iredell) BQ-C110 Iredell Camp Branch yes 0
unknown graves (Norse) unassigned Cranfills Gap Hurst Spring yes 0
Valley Mills BQ-C027 THM, HTC Valley Mills Valley Mills yes 2944 1863 2021
Walling Bend (former) Allen Bend 107
Wenzel grave unassigned no 0
Wilks grave unassigned Walnut Springs Walnut Springs West vicinity 1 1882 1882
Willow BQ-C106 Cayote Valley Mills no 15 1898 1987
Wilson Family BQ-C037 Clifton Sugarloaf Mountain vicinity 0
Womack BQ-C032 Womack Laguna Park yes 25 1891 1937
Alternate Names: White-Womack
BQ-C003 THM, HTC Morgan Morgan yes 39 1875 1936

Alternate/Deprecated Cemetery Names in Bosque County

Cemetery Name
Current Cemetery Name
Allen Bend
relocated to Kimball Cemetery
Andrew's Chapel 
see Brazos Point Cemetery
Coon Creek
see Smith Bend-Coon Creek Cemetery
Flag Branch
see Flanary Cemetery
New Iredell
see Mitchell Cemetery
see Scrutchfield Cemetery
see Our Savior's Lutheran Cemetery
see Poston-Odle Cemetery
Old Kimball
relocated to Kimball Cemetery
see Gary Cemetery
relocated to Kimball Cemetery
see Scrutchfield Cemetery
Shuler #1
relocated to Whitney Memorial Park Cemetery in Hill County
Shuler #2
relocated to Whitney Memorial Park Cemetery in Hill County
see Cove Springs Cemetery
St. John's
see Bismarck Cemetery
see Terrell Cemetery
see Bismarck Cemetery
Walling Bend
relocated to Whitney Memorial Park Cemetery in Hill County
see Main Cemetery
see Womack-White Cemetery

Adjacent County Cemeteries Within a Mile of Bosque County)

County THC
USGS Quad Vol Page
Baker Lain Johnson JN-C003 Brazos Point
Barbee Hamilton HM-C015 Spring Creek Gap
Alternate Names: R. B. Camp Ranch
Hamilton HM-C009 Cranfills Gap II 210
Captain Wilson (former)
Relocated to Whitney Memorial Park
Hill Whitney
Cranfills Gap Hamilton HM-C007 Cranfills Gap I 172
DeGraffenreid (former)
Relocated to Whitney Memorial Park
Hill Whitney
Fort Graham Hill HI-C028 Lakeside Village
Goodall McLennan BQ-C060 Valley Mills I 31
Hillcrest McLennan ML-C069 McLennan I 110
John Coffin Place (former)
Relocated to Kimball
Kemper Ranch (former)
Relocated to Kimball
Alternate Names: Thomason-Kennedy
Hamilton HM-C008 Cranfills Gap II 210
Alternate Names: Nickel; Nickell
Johnson JN-C078 Brazos Point
Pogue (former)
Relocated to Kimball
Hill II 157
Post Oak Coryell CV-C006 Hurst Spring I 128
Prairie View Coryell CV-C007 Hurst Spring
Preston-McMurry McLennan ML-C103 Mosheim I 118
Proffitt Hamilton HM-C012 Spring Creek Gap
Rock Creek Somervell SV-C022 Glen Rose East
Sadler Sadler CV-C044 Coryell
Stanley Hamilton HM-C013 Spring Creek Gap
Towash (former)
Relocated to Whitney Memorial Park
Hill Allen Bend
Wortham Bend McLennan ML-C073 China Springs

More About the Historic Texas Cemetery (HTC) Designation

The HTC designation is an official recognition of family and community graveyards and was developed in 1998 to help protect historic cemeteries by recording cemetery boundaries in county deed records to alert present and future owners of land adjacent to the cemetery of its existence. The designation imposes no restrictions on private owners’ use of the land adjacent to the cemetery or the daily operations of the cemetery. A cemetery is eligible for designation if it is at least 50 years old and is deemed worthy of recognition for its historical associations. The very nature of a cemetery being a landmark of a family’s or community’s presence is considered to validate the criteria of historical associations. Any individual, organization, or agency may submit a request for designation.

List of Historic Texas Cemeteries in Bosque County

The Official Historic Texas Cemetery designation can be obtained through an application process with the Texas Historical Commission. Any individual, organization or agency may submit an application. To receive the designation, the applicant must show proof that the cemetery is at least 50 years old and provide precise information on its location. A processing fee of $25 is required. If a cemetery already has a Historical Marker, certain information requirements in the application can be waived. Once processed, the cemetery is recorded in the county deed records as a historic site and is eligible to display the Historic Texas Cemetery medallion. The medallion can be displayed by itself, as an addition to an already existing Historical Marker, or with a new interpretive plaque with text developed from the history. The cost of the medallion and plaques are additional but are not required for a cemetery to be designated as an Official Historic Texas Cemetery. The designation does not restrict in any way the public use or private owner's use of the land adjacent to the cemetery. Click here to find out more about the Historic Texas Cemetery program and download an application.