Bosque County Historical Markers and Designations
Main Index
Official Texas Historical Markers
Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks
State Antiquities Landmarks
Historic Texas Cemeteries
National Register of Historic Places
Historic Texas Cemeteries
Historic Texas Cemetery designation is an official recognition of family and community graveyards by the Texas Historical Commission and encourages preservation of historic cemeteries. The designation imposes no restrictions on private owners’ use of the land adjacent to the cemetery but provides for the recordation of the cemetery into the county deed records as a historically dedicated property worthy of preservation. To nominate a cemetery, the owner, who is considered a trustee of the land dedicated for cemetery purposes, will be notified, though the owner’s consent is not required. To receive the designation, the applicant must show proof that the cemetery is at least 50 years old, provide precise information about its location and document it using a Historic Texas Cemetery designation application, as well as black and white photographs. This designation does not guarantee the protection of historic cemeteries, but it helps preserve cemeteries because it makes present and future landowners aware of the resources on their property. The designation does not restrict the public use or the private owner's use of the land adjacent to the cemetery.
The seven Historic Texas Cemetaries located in Bosque County are listed below:
THC Atlas Number | Name | Nearest Town | Latitude Longitude | Date Designated | Listing Info | Photo |
7035000805 | Barry Cemetery | Walnut Springs | 2011-06-09 | recordation | ||
7035004405 | Fossett Family Cemetery | 31.9287 -97.641432 |
2018-07-19 | |||
7035000905 | Fulton Cemetery | Walnut Springs | 2011-10-01 | recordation | ||
7035000105 | Scrutchfield-Searsville Cemetery | Valley Mills | 2001-01-31 | recordation | ||
7035001905 | Spring Creek Cemetery | 31.897057 -97.828615 |
2021-09-13 | |||
7035002705 | Valley Mills Cemetery | Valley Mills | 31.662927 -97.47813 |
2017-03-03 | recordation | |
7035000305 | Womack-White Cemetery | Morgan | 2011-08-03 | recordation |
In addition to the five Historic Texas Cemeteries listed above, there are current applications pending for the Cole Family Cemetery, Rock Springs Cemetery, and Fossett Cemetery. For a list of all known cemeteries in Bosque County or to search for a specific grave, see the Cemeteries page.